Monday, December 22, 2008

God's Work, Done God's Way

Last Monday (12/15), we were perplexed when the deal fell through for the building we wanted to rent. They gave us our deposit back without even a counter offer! Though disappointed, we continued to search for a building, but to no avail. We knew then that God's plans and timing were different from our own.

We still had to make plans for the VBS in January. Since we couldn't hold it at a church building, we decided to have it in our backyard. The down side is that we wouldn't be able to invite as many children, but the positive side is that we already know almost all the children in the neighborhood. So, we proceeded to print flyers and invite people, and God kept working. The neighborhood "manager" (who is in charge of who does what here), has been very helpful in allowing us to advertise for the VBS. They are also allowing us to do a fireworks show at New Year's and then the CCC mission team will give a mini-concert right there at the clubhouse.

On Saturday, we went house to house, introducing ourselves and passing out the invitations to the fireworks show and the VBS, along with a church brochure and a little mini-loaf of homemade banana bread. We were able to reach about 25 neighbors that day, and will keep going until everyone is invited. The reception was wonderful! Of course, they all wanted to know the whole story of the North Americans who live in their neighborhood, but we tell it gladly!

Just today (Monday), Amy was speaking with one of the neighbors, the mom of an ESL student. Because this lady is a neonatal doctor at a nearby hospital, she asked if she happened to know our friend who is a pediatric surgeon, Dr. Martinez-Ferro. It turns out she was a resident under his charge many years ago. She went on and on about how much she admires him on a professional level, to the point that if one of her children had to have surgery, she would want him to do it. Amy shared with her how we are friends through church, and that seemed to give the ministry we are doing here instant credibility and that was another confirmation that God wanted us to hold this VBS in this neighborhood.

Right about the same time, the realtor for the original building we wanted called back and counter-offered the exact price we were waiting for! Praise the Lord for how He works His perfect will in His perfect way!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Update on Building Search

Special Prayer Request

We found a building to rent in the center of Pilar, not too far from where we are now. It's a house on a main avenue that can easily be converted into a church set-up. Of course, it would also need some paint and lots of soap and elbow grease!

We have enough ministry funds to pay the rent, but our church people would have to give to cover the monthly expenses (power, gas, taxes, etc.). But, that's a good thing! We have a nice little group of 25 right now (representing 7 families) and they need to be involved in all aspects of this church plant.

We presented this prospect to the group Wednesday night at our weekly Bible study. They were very enthusiastic about the idea of a bigger building and having Sunday services soon. We passed out slips of paper for them to let us know how much they could give monthly in order to help us plan for the expenses. One of the men added it up and came up with plenty and then some! We were pleasantly surprised!

James spoke with the realtor again to make sure we can make the necessary changes. He said that was fine and we will have that written in the contract. Ideally, we would like to have the keys in hand by December 15 so we can get to work and have it ready for VBS with the Clearwater Christian College mission team January 5 - 10. Please pray for the Lord to work out all the details, as only HE can!

The upfront cost is the main obstacle we have right now. As customary, we need to pay a deposit, realtor’s commission, and other fees. This adds up to $3,000. We have $1,500 in ministry funds that we can use. We will take a special offering at the Bible study. Pray with us that God will give us the exact amount we need and if God would have you to contribute to this need.

The red dot is the facility for rent. The green square in the middle is the main plaza. Our current location is 5 blocks to the west (on the other side of the plaza). We would continue to have access to bus lines and the train. Parking is available on the property or on the street.

Monday, December 1, 2008

December Prayer Letter

A Good Problem to Have
“So then neither is he that planteth any thing,
neither he that watereth;
but God that giveth the increase.”
(1 Cor. 3:7)

What could be a good problem for a church? We’re running out of space! God provided our current location at a great price in order for us to get started. Now, we’re maxed out and realize that we cannot grow unless we find something bigger to rent. Please pray for a meeting place for at least 100 people, with classroom space, in a central location, and at an affordable price. This may seem like an extraordinary request, but we know that our God “is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us” (Eph. 3:20).

The first week of January a missions team from Clearwater Christian College will be here to hold a VBS program, as well as several concerts here in Pilar. We would love to be in a building by then in order to establish ourselves in the community. Then, the plan is to start regular Sunday church services in March.

Baptist World Mission South American Family Conference
November 17 - 21, 2008 - Mar del Plata, Argentina

Fifteen missionary families (serving in Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, and Mexico) met together for our bi-annual Baptist World Mission South American Family Conference. We were privileged to sit under the preaching of Pastor John Stevens (a supporting pastor) from North Charleston, South Carolina. This was also a great time to renew friendships and exchange ministry ideas. Click here for pictures – Part I and Part II.

Family Matters

When Lauren went for an annual check-up with her urologist this month, he expressed concern over her frequent urinary tract infections, which are accompanied by high fevers. So, he is sending her for further testing. The first matter is to rule out urinary reflux. This is what she had surgery for in 2004, so it would be extremely rare if she had it again.

For those of you who are familiar with Lauren’s history, you know that her major issues were resolved by the time she turned four, so there is a great deal she does not remember. Now that she’s older, she understands more of what is going on, and it makes her nervous. Please pray for Lauren (emotionally and physically) and that God will be glorified in all of this.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November Prayer Letter

Share the Vision!

Thank you for praying for our special meeting Saturday, November 1. There was a terrific turnout of 25 (representing seven families) who squeezed into our meeting place. Most of these individuals have gone through 12 weeks of doctrinal study with us and are now ready to be a part of this new work in Pilar.

We gave a Power Point presentation of who we are, the need in Pilar, and our goals for this church. Even though some of these ideas were new, the people responded. A few even volunteered for various tasks right away, like cleaning the building and hosting an evangelistic home Bible study!

Click here to see pictures of the meeting.

Working from Home

God has given us an unexpected source of contacts right here in our neighborhood through English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. Amy has not even advertised, but she currently has five ESL students from our community. She has been able to share the Gospel during several of these classes!

After the new year, we plan on starting an evangelistic Bible study in our home. We will invite these contacts, as well as other neighbors. It is exciting to see God work His plan and to play a small part in it!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Laying Up Treasures In Heaven

Bailing Themselves Out

In the midst of a global recession and a plethora of ideas on how to resolve it, economists do agree on one thing: “At least we don’t live in Argentina!” The Argentine government recently announced plans for the state to take over Argentina's private retirement accounts in a desperate attempt to find a source of capital to repay its astronomical international debts. This “government's economic policies, including taxing farmers and limiting exports at a time when commodity trading would have netted them billions in foreign currency, kneecapped the same domestic private industries that could have provided real, long-term wealth generation for this magnificent country.” Argentina just renegotiated its debt payments and economists speculate that there will “probably be a ‘renegotiation’ of the terms between the new pension manager (the Argentine government) and the debtor (uh, the Argentine government). It's an understatement to say that's a conflict of interest, and the folks who will get the short end of the stick are the Argentine people.”

Quotes taken from The Motley Fool. To read the full article, click here.

Treasures In Heaven

But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. (Matt. 6:20)
Honestly, we normally do not get engaged in the politics of Argentina. We always make it clear that we are here in this country to help bring about change – one soul at a time – by sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. The outright thievery of this government plan helps us to point out that the Christian’s treasure is not here on this earth. No one, no government, no, not even Wall Street, can steal the eternal treasures of the Christian’s good works done for the glory of God.
This Saturday, November 1st, we will hold a special meeting to present our vision for Independent Baptist Church in Pilar. We will present the need and the opportunity for those in our Wednesday Bible study group to get involved in the church-planting process. We are ready to take the next step and begin reaching out to the lost in the community. We would like to see our fellow believers take a part in that and lay up their own eternal treasures in Heaven. Please pray for God to work in each heart to show them how they should be personally involved.

Monday, October 13, 2008

October Prayer Letter

Annual Pastor’s Conference
Every October, Independent Baptist pastors and missionaries from Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, and Bolivia get together for a time of preaching and teaching from God’s Word. This year the church in Don Torcuato (where we are helping) hosted the annual event. James organized and led the music, and Amy organized and taught in the children’s program. It was a joy to serve in this capacity and to fellowship with God’s servants! Click here to see pictures of the conference.

Lessons, Lessons, Lessons
Our children have been learning so much of the culture and “life lessons” by being able to run freely in the neighborhood while playing with the other children. We are so thankful for these learning opportunities for the kids.

Jaden and Lauren are both taking piano lessons now, and doing quite well. Maybe we’ll have a pianist by the time we get our own church building!

“Cruising Along”
When our son Josiah is working through his daily schoolwork, he often says, “We’re just cruising along here!” This is also the case with the new work in Pilar. We are “cruising” through each doctrine from our doctrinal statement. As expected, we hit a little bump in the road when we came to the gifts of the Spirit. Those who come from Pentecostal backgrounds were very confused by the false teaching they have believed. Please pray that we would deal with each person with wisdom and the love of Christ.

We also continue with one-on-one discipleship with Benjamin, Alejandro, Veronica, Andrea, and Virginia. We have seen remarkable progress in the spiritual growth of each one. They have each opened up to us, sharing their struggles and how the Lord has worked in their lives. May the Lord be praised that we would be able to learn enough of the language and culture in order to minister to the hearts of these precious saints.

Monday, September 1, 2008

September 2008 Prayer Letter

Praise Him for His Work
God gave Independent Baptist Church of Pilar a great start this month with an average attendance of 17 at our weekly Bible studies. Since the majority are believers from a variety of backgrounds, we are studying the main doctrines to make sure we are all on the same page. God has brought this group together, and we are thankful for their sweet spirit. Please pray for wisdom in ministering to these individuals.

Praise Him for Open Doors
Never would we have imagined that we would move to Pilar, find an affordable building in a great location, start a Bible study, and have seven one-on-one discipleship classes taking place. It can only be of the Lord!

God has opened doors in other ways too. Even before we have officially formed the church, James preached the first funeral. The father of one of the young ladies passed into eternity August 22. The family spent the next 24 hours in the funeral home with the open casket. We then accompanied them to the cemetery, where James preached a short graveside service and presented the Gospel. After each family member tossed a handful of dirt on the casket, the workers immediately buried it while we all watched. Pray for Edit, the widow, and Marianna, the daughter, that God will comfort them with His peace and protect them as they are now alone.

Please pray that God will open one more door - ­for our permanent residency status. Since we have now completed three years in Argentina, we are allowed to apply for this important document. This will allow us to actually open a bank account, purchase a cell phone, and live without so many restrictions. The process of obtaining the necessary documents has been cumbersome and expensive, but it is worth it, knowing that God has called us to minister here indefinitely.

Praise Him for His Provision
With the current economic downturn, we recognize that your support may be an even greater sacrifice than it was just six months ago. Thank you for continuing to give to missions even when times are tough. “Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account” (Phil. 4:17).

God has been so good to provide for us through many unexpected and unusual sources as well. One of those sources this month was a private loan in order for us to purchase property for a personal house. The lot is actually in the neighborhood where we are currently living, right across the street! We would like to build our house as soon as the Lord provides those funds. We already have the blueprints in hand!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

August Prayer Letter

On Your Mark…Get Set…Go!

Praise the Lord that we have rented an office building to start our weekly Bible studies for the future Iglesia Bautista de Pilar. Friday, August 1, we will be hosting a “Meet and Greet” reception at the new building. It will be an opportunity to get to know contacts from the BBN station, the MBBC concert this May, and others who are interested in being a part of a Bible-preaching Baptist church in Pilar. On Wednesday, August 6, we begin weekly Bible studies. Please pray that we see much fruit from these events.

James installing heaters

Teaching Others Also

Amy began weekly meetings with Veronica, and James with Benjamin, studying Changed Into His Image by Jim Berg and praying together. This is a great time for us to get to know one another and to help Benjamin and Veronica to grow spiritually. (The Leonov family is the one who had been with BBN radio before they closed the office in February.) They have already been a tremendous help in getting the church going in Pilar.

Culture 101

The atmosphere in Pilar is very distinct from most of Buenos Aires in the virtual absence of a middle class. We are learning the effect of that as we notice more and more the great divide between the working class and the upper class. Those from the upper class live in gated communities, go to private schools, desire to better themselves by education, and advance in their careers. Those from the working class live in humble dwellings, go to public school as long as they are required, and often just try to get by. As we seek to evangelize, we need to be cognizant of this discrepancy between the classes in our methods of outreach. An outreach that would work great for one group would not be effective with the other. We have purposefully located ourselves in the center of Pilar, since it is a more “neutral ground.” It is mainly a commercial district, surrounded by a few houses.

Our friends and neighbors have affirmed our cultural observations with comments like, “You want to choose your location carefully so that someone with a nice car won’t be scared to drive to the church.” “Most churches target the lower classes by preaching in a certain style, but the upper class would not tolerate that.”

Quotable Quotes

[Missionaries] must be equipped to be evangelists who can share the Good News in another language and culture, disciplers who can model and teach Christ-like ministry to converts, and trainers who can furnish local Christian leaders with the knowledge and skills they will need to propagate the Gospel. That was the model established by Jesus and practiced by the Apostle Paul.

- Mark C. Vowels; Director of Missions; Bob Jones University

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Our newest superhero's name is RoboBoy!

After surviving a near-fatal explosion in his laboratory, Jaden (RoboBoy!) had a small screw installed in his front tooth. This mysterious little screw gave him super powers which enable him to clean his room by merely snapping his fingers, block every goal in soccer, make a mean cup of chocolate soy milk, and zap all his school work done in one nano-second.

Seriously, thank you for praying for our little guy with all he's gone through with his teeth. Lord willing, this new tooth should stay for a long time.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Dentist...Revisited

Thank you for praying for Jaden and his 4th trip to the dentist this month (8th this year!). They finshed the root canal and all went well. He goes back next week to reconstruct the tooth for the 5th time. However, the dentist assures me it should stay this time since she closed off the nerve permanently. We felt your prayers as Jaden was very calm and obedient.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Just a quick update on the exciting things the Lord is doing here in Pilar:

Meeting Place - We have asked you to pray for some time now for a meeting place for our weekly Bible studies. The Lord has provided that place! We will be renting the former BBN office. Since they closed the office in February, the owners were never satisfied with those who sought to rent the place. However, as soon as James showed up with Benjamin (the former BBN manager), the owners were delighted to rent it out to another ministry. We should sign the contract this week and we can begin meeting soon!

English Classes – Amy has begun teaching English here, but several more have asked her to start teaching them too. She is hoping to use our neighborhood clubhouse for classes for adults and children. We have already made many in-roads with our neighbors and have been able to verbally witness to several about our faith in Christ.

Another Day at the Dentist – Many of you know about Jaden’s bike accident back in December and how he broke his front tooth. Since then, he has had to get it repaired 4 times. Now he has to have a root canal and is on his second round of antibiotics. We’ve been spending our past 3 Monday afternoons at the dentist’s office for this! Today the dentist said he’s not getting better like she expected, so she will do a more drastic procedure this Thursday instead of waiting another week. Please pray for Jaden regarding this matter.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

July Prayer Letter

Dear Praying Friends,

Getting Involved Now that we are settled into our new home in Pilar, we are venturing out into the neighborhood, meeting new people, and getting involved in the community. Jaden and Josiah are playing soccer twice a week, and Lauren is in a play group with other girls on Saturdays. Amy is teaching English to Andrea, a Christian lady in the neighborhood. Please pray for these evangelistic and discipleship opportunities, that utterance may be given unto us, that we may open our mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel (Eph. 6:19).

Politics, As Usual James and Benjamín Leonov met with the Director of Community Relations for the Municipality of Pilar with the intention of finding out if the city has a building available that we could use for our weekly Bible studies. We will let the Lord work out the results of the meeting. Many politicians make promises, but we trust God to do His perfect will.

So, What’s Next? The next step in the church-planting process is to get in touch with all of our contacts in Pilar who have expressed interest in being a part of our church. We would like to introduce ourselves, explain our goals, and get to know them as well. (These folks are from diverse church backgrounds and have various reasons for wanting to find a new church, so we need wisdom in each of these “intensive care” situations.) From there, we will launch our first weekly Bible studies. Please pray for wisdom on our part as well as for a building in which to begin meeting.

Praise the Lord that Faith Baptist Church in Taylors, South Carolina recently voted to partner with us, bringing our support total to 96%.

Serving the King of Kings,
James, Amy,
Jaden, Lauren, and Josiah Greenwood

Friday, June 27, 2008

Meeting Where? When?

This past Thursday James and Benjamin Leonov met with the Director of Community Relations for the Municipality of Pilar with the intention of finding out if the city has a building available that we could use once a week for our Bible studies. The meeting went well. At least it was opportunity to make more contacts in Pilar. It may result in a meeting with the mayor. We will let the Lord work out the final details. Many politicians make promises, but we trust God to do His perfect will.

On Friday, we invited Benjamin and his family over for dinner, where we discussed the next step in the church-planting process. Over the next month, we plan on contacting all of our contacts in Pilar who have expressed interest in being a part of our church. We would like to introduce ourselves, explain our goals, and get to know them some as well. From there, we will launch our first weekly Bible studies. Please pray for wisdom on our part as well as a building in which to begin meeting.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

New House!

On Saturday, June 7, the owners agreed to a more reasonable contract. We signed the contract and got the keys. We were planning on moving on Tuesday, but it rained on Monday and heavy trucks are not allowed in the neighborhood during or 24 hours after rain. So, we moved it back to Thursday. Which was a good thing to give us more time. In the midst of all the packing and preparation, our pet bunny, Marshmallow, passed away. This was quite traumatic for the kids, for sure. We also attended seminary class in Don Torcuato every night from 7:30 – 10:30. What a week! We had some great volunteer helpers (Jeremy, Martin, Marcelo, and Victor) on the big moving day and we got it done.

We are so excited to be in our new home and thankful for His provision. We could tell you even more about how Satan is trying everything he can to discourage us or impede God’s work, but we press on with the strength of the Lord. God is good…all the time! Our next step is to start a weekly Bible study for the believers who are expectantly waiting for a good church in Pilar. Please keep praying!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

June Prayer Letter

Dear Praying Friends,

Over a year ago, God began working in the hearts of a few students at Maranatha Baptist Bible College in Watertown, Wisconsin. He gave them a burden to take a missions trip to a South American country, but they had no idea where. Little did they know that the missions director at their college had ties with our friends Ron and Chris Self here in Buenos Aires—but God knew! On May 2, 30 students and faculty members, barely knowing each other yet, boarded a plane and headed off to minister through music, English classes, and basketball clinics. Pastor Self did a fantastic job organizing this diverse group. In 20 days, they held 24 sacred concerts all over the city and even in Uruguay. Everywhere they went there were record attendances, whether it was 30 or 330. We were privileged to help translate, chauffer, bake, wash dishes, give tours, or whatever else was needed. They were a terrific group of students with a desire to serve the Lord.

Two of the days the group spent in Pilar helping to launch our church plant there. We passed out 3,500 tracts and flyers advertising a sacred concert in a rented facility in the heart of the city center. We were excited when 27 new contacts showed up to hear the concert and find out more about this new church. Two people accepted Christ that night! One was a Peruvian immigrant lady and the other was a young man who came over from the bar right next door. Please pray for us as we follow up with all of these new folks.

The only thing that has hindered us from already doing more in Pilar is that we are not living there yet. For the past two months we have been diligently searching for a house to rent. The Lord has just provided a wonderful home to rent! We are planning to sign the contract and get the keys on Saturday and then move in next week. However, we just received an e-mail stating changes in the contract that we did not agree on. Pray this can be resolved in our favor. Thank you for your faithful prayers and support.

What a mighty God we serve!
James, Amy,
Jaden, Lauren, and Josiah Greenwood

Thursday, May 1, 2008

April Prayer Letter

Dear Praying Friends,
Safely Home! After seven months of ministering in churches in the United States, we safely arrived back to ministry in Argentina on April 4. God took good care of us during our flights, through customs, and back to our house. We never want to take for granted His daily watch care over us.

No Greater Joy - We had the joy of seeing some of the fruit of our labor from our first term when the national pastor, Victor Dominguez, was ordained into the ministry and installed as pastor of Iglesia Bautista Esperanza in Escobar. We have spent much time with this wonderful young couple and know they will be successful in this ministry as they trust in the Lord to guide them.

Step-by-Step - We are ready to begin a work in Pilar and are taking the process step-by-step. First of all, we needed to purchase a vehicle since we sold ours before we went back to the States. After much diligent searching, we found another Hyundai H-1 van, but a bit newer and with fewer miles than the one we sold. The next step is to establish ourselves in the community of Pilar. We have looked at several houses, but none suitable to rent because of either location, price, or size. Pray that we can find a home to rent soon ¬for an affordable price, in a convenient and safe location, and with enough space to meet our needs.

Team Ministry - Meanwhile, we are attending a sister church just 20 minutes south of us in Don Torcuato. They are graciously allowing us to be a part of their leadership team so that we can learn even more about ministering in this culture. They have also offered to help in the church-planting process! Right now we are observing and helping where we can in staff meetings, seminary class, weekly services, music ministry, and special projects. One of those special projects will involve helping translate for a ministry team from Maranatha Baptist Bible College this month. We will be with these 30 students and faculty every day for three weeks in city parks passing out literature, in the gym hosting basketball clinics and tournaments, and in the church holding Conversational English classes and music lessons. They will give sacred concerts in at least 8 area churches as well. We are excited to take this team to Pilar for three of the days to pass out literature. This will be our first public presentation in Pilar. Please pray that our “first impression” will make a positive impact.

One of our contacts in Pilar is setting up an appointment with the mayor of Pilar. This is an important prayer request! We will introduce ourselves and look into the possibility of using a city building to meet in. One of the things we have been praying about regarding our support level is that if God does not provide 100% of our support, then He would provide in other ways, especially for a meeting place. (You can understand that this is a large chunk of our ministry budget.)

God’s Blessings
- Safe arrival in Buenos Aires
- God’s daily protection on our lives
- 2001 Hyundai H-1 van — exactly what we prayed for!

Prayer Requests
- Possible meeting with the Mayor of Pilar
- Current support – 93%
- A home in Pilar to rent
- Open doors to present the Gospel with the college ministry team
- Future ministry in Pilar

Upcoming Events
5/4 – 5/24 – help with ministry team from Maranatha Baptist Bible College
5/16 – 10th wedding anniversary

By His grace alone,
James and Amy

Saturday, April 19, 2008

God's Hand of Protection

Close Call or God’s Hand of Protection?
It can be easy to take for granted God’s hand upon our daily lives. Ever since our plane departed Tampa, we have seen God work in miraculous ways to protect us. Here are a few of them:
· During one of our flights, the attendants began to serve a snack. We were at the front of the plane, so we saw when the first bag of peanuts was handed out. Amy told the crew that our son, Josiah, is extremely allergic to peanuts and they immediately put all the peanuts away!
· Our plane was delayed by an hour or so, due to mechanical problems beforehand. Therefore, we were the last international flight to land in Buenos Aires for that morning and most of the customs staff had already gone home. Since there was only a skeleton crew, no one even looked in our bags! This was a huge answer to prayer, since customs is always looking to impose a tax on what you bring into the country or ask for a “tip” to get out of paying the tax.
· We put $300 down on a mini-van to reserve it while the dealership handled the paperwork. Ten days later, the paperwork was still at least a month from completion. They gave us all our money back. According to the law, they could have kept our money. Then, God gave us something even better!
· While at a nearby cyber café, Amy’s cell phone was stolen. That night on the news there was a report of a teen shot to death after his cell phone was stolen. This was a reminder to us to praise God that the phone was stolen without an incident.
· Josiah is also allergic to onions, but it has always been minor enough that he can have a little ketchup once in a while. We allowed him to have one packet of ketchup on his French fries and that night he broke out in hives from head to toe! After three doses of Benadryl, he was OK. Praise the Lord it wasn’t worse. No more ketchup for this kid!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Cranberry Relish Anxiety

Every Thanksgiving in Argentina all the American missionaries get together for a traditional Thanksgiving meal. Since this is a North American holiday, all the ladies have to really make an effort to prepare food that is not particularly common in South America. One makes pumpkin pies totally from scratch. (None of that canned stuff here!) Another special orders a turkey from the butcher, only to be presented with Cornish hens the day prior to Thanksgiving. One lady goes to great expense to buy pecans for her husband's favorite pecan pie. My husband will actually pit several cups of cherries so I can make him a homemade cherry pie. The one dish that always makes me chuckle is the cranberry relish. Why? Because cranberries do not exist in this country! Most Argentines have never even heard of the fruit. However, there is always one who does her best to use substitutes to make something of a relish that tastes nothing like cranberries only because that's the way it's always been. You just can't have Thanksgiving without cranberry relish!

The other day I found myself concocting my own recipe for cranberry relish. Yes, I know it's nowhere near Thanksgiving, but it was really the same concept. As our departure date draws near for returning to Argentina, I realized that I had not taken my children for their annual birthday pictures. In fact, I was a year overdue with our oldest child. We live in the age of digital cameras - still and video, so it's not like my child was not photographed at some point during his eighth year of life. My anxiety was due to the fact that I had always taken my kids to be photographed near their birthday...that's the way it's always been. The Lord gently rebuked me by reminding me of the cranberry relish and I realized that I was actually fretting over the unimportant and I had to ask my Heavenly Father for His forgiveness. I put my focus back on all the good things that He has blessed me with. Just because it's always been a certain way doesn't mean that is God's best for our lives. So, the m
oral of the story is, "Don't eat fake cranberry relish when God has something much better for you."

By the way, I did get out my digital camera and the Lord gave me a great photo (even better than the pro's!) of our now nine year-old, Jaden.

May you also experience the abundant blessings found in God's grace,


Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Royal Treatment

Our last month here in the States is jam-packed with meetings, especially missions conferences. I must admit we have been quite spoiled with the treatment we have received! Being good Baptists, our churches have fed us wonderful meals, of course. (We wonder if they are trying to fatten us up to feed us to the natives?) One extra special treat for Amy was when Grace Baptist in Wilmington, North Carolina took all the ladies out for a manicure and pedicure.

For the past two missions conferences the churches have had a Christian school (Grace in Wilmington and Oakwood in Anderson), so we have enjoyed speaking in the classes there - up to 6 classes a day! One time James went straight from a lesson for 12th grade Bible to K-4 Bible. Amy spoke to 10th and 11th grade girls. Our children attended classes at both schools and made sweet friends.

Oakwood Baptist Church in Anderson, South Carolina, one of our supporting churches, holds a special place in our hearts because of the special memories and friends we have from there. The first time we went to Oakwood was for their missions conference in 2004. Our daughter, Lauren, trusted in Christ as her Savior during that week one night back at the hotel. Every time she remembers her spiritual birthday she thinks of Oakwood! The next time we visited was July 2004. We got to participate in the special 4th of July festivities that day and Jaden made his very first home run.

We are now in the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas, the area where we went to language school in 2004-2005. Even though language school was grueling, God gave us a haven in our church. The English church (Faith Baptist in Palmhurst) took us on for support at that time, so we reported back there on Wednesday. The Spanish church asked us to come back and be a part of their missions conference. James will be preaching in Spanish for all 5 services. This is a great way for us to end our furlough and get our minds warmed up to Spanish again. Pray for God to work in the hearts of the hermanos at Iglesia Bautista del Valle.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

March Prayer Letter

Dear Praying Friends,

“God’s work, done God’s way, will never lack God’s supply.” As we are on the home stretch, only a month away from our departure date, we are reminded that God does keep His promises. He called us to serve Him in Argentina. He called us to start a church in the city of Pilar. He will meet our needs as He sees fit in His timing. He will provide our support, a house, a meeting facility, and the people to fill it as we continue to do His work in His way. Pray with us for the remaining 10% of our support, and we will be sure to give God the glory!

We shared with you how Benjamin, the director of the local BBN radio station in Pilar, has been compiling a list of those who are seeking to be part of a fundamental Baptist church there. Praise the Lord that there are at least 20 families on that list. However, the local office recently closed, and we no longer have the radio station as an advertising tool. Benjamin must look for other work, although he and his wife are committed to full-time ministry. Please pray that the Lord will clearly guide them, especially concerning their level of involvement with the new church we will be starting.

Stateside Ministry - The Lord has given us terrific meetings during this furlough. God’s people have displayed tenderness to His Word and a willingness to do His will. Many have even expressed an interest in coming to Argentina on a mission team. Pray that the busyness of life will not distract them from the Great Commission. Also, Amy will be speaking to two classes of high school girls at a Christian school this month. Pray that God will give her the words to minister grace and He will soften the hearts of the girls.

3…2…1…Blastoff! The very first time we left for the field there was so much excitement mixed with fear of the unknown. This time there is no more fear, just excitement! Sure, we will miss our family and friends greatly; however, God is already doing great things, and we want to get started in His work!

Upcoming Events
3/1 - 3/5 – Oakwood Baptist Church, Anderson, SC
3/6 – Amy’s birthday
3/9 – Fellowship Baptist Church, Anderson, SC
3/12 – Faith Baptist Church, Palmhurst, TX
3/16 – 3/19 – Iglesia Bautista del Valle, Mission, TX
3/23 – Easter Sunday
3/28 – Jaden’s 9th birthday
4/3 – Return to Argentina!

What a mighty God we serve,
James & Amy
Jaden, Lauren, & Josiah Greenwood

Friday, February 1, 2008

February 2008 Prayer Letter

Dear Praying Friends,

It is exciting to see a ministry that has a passion for God. When a missionary or guest speaker visits a church and sees the Holy Spirit work, it is often the result of much prayer beforehand on the part of the church people and their pastor. We witnessed such an event in Panama City this past month. James preached a message on having compassion for souls from Matthew 9:36-38, and many folks came forward. As one young girl approached the altar, Amy pulled her aside and asked her what she wanted to pray about. She replied, “I want to tell Jesus that I’ll be a missionary if He wants me to.” Amy prayed for her, and then the girl prayed, consecrating her life to God in her own child-like way. We report this particular case with unspeakable joy since this little girl is our daughter, Lauren! Pray that God will keep her pure and devoted to His calling and that we will have wisdom in training her to be a servant of the King.

On the Home Front For some time now, we have sought God’s will in the matter of relocating to Pilar. Although all the doors are not shut yet, we sense that God wants us to wait on buying a house. We looked for a house to rent before coming back to the States and recently on the Internet. We have not yet been able to find a house suitable for our family in the price range that we need. We still have our home in Escobar to go back to, but we need to establish ourselves in Pilar as soon as possible. Pray that God will provide a home in the next few months.

Support Increases Praise God for His faithfulness! Our support now stands at 89%. Since we’ve been home, three new churches and one individual have partnered with us to bring our support back up. We will be in a few new churches in our remaining two months in the States. Pray that we will see new support come in through these meetings.

Upcoming Events
2/3 – Hillsdale Baptist Church, Tampa, FL (Godly Heritage Sunday)
2/10 – Mikado Baptist Church, Macon, GA
2/17 – Kennerly Road Baptist Church, Irmo, SC
2/24 – Hendrix Road Baptist Church, Florence, AL
2/27 – 3/1 – Grace Baptist Church, Wilmington, NC (missions conference)

Serving the King of Kings,
James, Amy,
Jaden, Lauren, and Josiah Greenwood

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

January 2008 Prayer Letter

Dear Faithful Prayer Partners,

Thank You! We continue to see God’s hand at work in our lives through the generosity His people. Thank you for the Christmas gifts many of you sent. They have been a big help to us! The Lord also has increased our support to 86%. Please pray that God will continue to provide for our needs in this area.

Christmas Highlights – After being in Argentina for the past two years, we were delighted to spend the holidays with family and friends this year. James even got to do what he enjoys most – put in a set of stairs at his parents’ house. The icing on the cake for Lauren and Josiah might be when they got to meet “Patch the Pirate” for the first time while we were in Greenville.

Jaden has begun new curriculum specifically designed for children with dyslexia – thanks to two friends who are knowledgeable in this area pointing us in the right direction. It’s been difficult to keep up with home schooling as much as we would like with our traveling schedule. Maybe this is a strange request, but please pray we can stay on course as we begin traveling again.

More Missions Teams – We have an exciting opportunity this month at Clearwater Christian College. We will present our ministry, and James will preach in chapel. This is in hopes of the College taking a missions trip to help us next year. Pray that God will work in the details and in the hearts of the college students. Maybe one of these students will be a coworker one day!

Upcoming Events
1/16 – Scenic Bay Baptist Church, Pensacola, FL
1/20 – Grace Baptist Church, Panama City, FL
1/24 – Clearwater Christian College chapel
1/27 – Calvary Baptist Church, Loganville, GA
1/27 – Pine Grove Baptist Church, Stockbridge, GA

Serving the King of Kings,
James, Amy, Jaden, Lauren, and Josiah Greenwood