Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
February Prayer Letter
As our attendance grows, so does our need for children’s classes. Amy has been teaching junior church since we began. She is doing teacher training with two ladies who are willing to teach junior church once a month, but we desperately need a teacher for the preschoolers. Please pray for this need!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
January Prayer Letter
· Finish building renovations
· Preparations for Charter Sunday
· Summer camp January 25-30
· Permanent pastor for the Pilar Centro church
· 51 at our December outreach
· Adrian accepted Christ December 20
· Christmas love offering
Looking Ahead
1/25-1/30 – Summer Camps
February – begin publically promoting Charter Sunday
March 17-21 – Evangelistic Campaign and Charter Sunday
Sunday, December 20, 2009
December Outreach
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
December Prayer Letter
Tear Down That Wall!
Countdown to Launch
Summer Camp
Ministering to People
Christmas Greetings
“For unto us a child is born… and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (Is. 9:6).
Thinking of counseling, we are reminded of Christ as “The Counsellor” as described in Isaiah 9:6. Our small sacrifice of service to Him in Argentina is nothing compared to His ultimate sacrifice on a cruel cross to pay for our sins. May we preach this Gospel to ourselves and to others daily!
Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and financial support this past year. As times are tough for many, we realize your financial commitment is even more of a sacrifice than ever. Our prayer is that the Lord will find us faithful with the resources He has entrusted us with.· Finish building renovations
· Preparations for Charter Sunday
· Summer camp in January
· Permanent pastor for the Pilar Centro church
· Work done to expand auditorium
· Six completed new members’ class
· New visitors every week!
· Wisdom from God’s Word to minister to people
· God’s work here in Pilar during 2009
· 12/11 – Youth Picnic
· 12/20 – Evangelistic Outreach
· 1/25-1/30 – Summer Camps
· February – begin publically promoting Charter Sunday
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Update 11.22.09
Today was another great day at IBI Pilar Centro! It was a full house, with seven first time visitors! When James was acknowledging the visitors at the end of the service, one stood up and said he had never been to a church where the preaching and even the prayer seemed so “spiritual” and so profound. To God be the glory!
We were planning on waiting until January to knock down the wall between the auditorium and the garage, but it can’t wait. (Certainly a good problem to have!) So, we will be at the church most of this week to try to get the majority done before next Sunday’s service. Please pray that the work will go smoothly, with no surprises, and that we will have all the help we need.
Thank you for your prayers on our behalf. We have had a string of visitors and church people alike with all kinds of problems looking for help and counsel – marriages on the brink of divorce, couples living in adultery, a young guy addicted to drugs, an alleged child abuser, economic problems, and health issues. Praise the Lord God has given us His Word, which is sufficient for all our problems!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
November Prayer Letter

Mother’s Day
The third Sunday of October is Mother’s Day in Argentina. It was a special time at IBI Pilar Centro as James preached on the Titus 2:3-5 woman and her role in the church. Our focus has been on the importance of teaching others, and this was a great day to carry that theme through. Pray that these women will be faithful “teachers of good things.”
We kicked off our second round of new members’ class October 25 with eight in attendance. Those who complete this class, as well as the group who completed the last session, will be able to sign the church constitution when we formally organize Iglesia Bautista Independiente March 21, 2010. Our first baptism service will follow two weeks later on Easter Sunday. How exciting!
There is much to do to get ready for this charter day—more building renovations, canvassing, advertising, and organizing. We will take up a special Christmas offering at the church in order to fund the next stage of building renovations. We need to close in the garage, knock down the wall between the garage and auditorium, and make the floor between the three areas uniform.
God Provides!
God provided in three special ways recently. He used an individual to send us a large gift last month, which helped us get caught up from being under-supported for so long. The same person has also committed to take us on for support for $150 per month.
Also, we received a box of 3,700 tracts from the Faithful Witness Tract Society, a ministry of one of our supporting churches.
When a labor union came to the jobsite looking for a bribe, James told them he was a Christian and a pastor and did not give bribes. So, they made false accusations and filed a complaint with the ministry of labor. The Lord used a good friend’s lawyer to study the laws cited in the complaint and write a letter of response to defend his case. James is now in the clear! To God be the glory (1 Pet. 4:17). Praise the Lord for His provision in all three of these ways!
Summer Camp
Here, south of the equator, summer camp is just around the corner in January. Many of us can look back at important spiritual decisions we made at a Christian camp. James was saved just after coming back from the WILDS and then later called to the ministry at the same camp. We potentially have four teen and four junior campers going. Please pray for the Lord to begin softening their hearts even now.
Looking Ahead
· 10/25 – 11/29 – New members’ class (six weeks)
· 11/8 – Evangelistic Outreach
· 12/12 – Youth Picnic
· January – Building Renovations
· 1/25-30 – Summer Camps
Friday, October 9, 2009
October Prayer Letter
Life, as well as ministry, is full of highs and lows. It was exciting to see our attendance peak to 54 one Sunday this month. It is extremely rewarding to visit with new converts who are studying God’s Word and seeing Him work in their lives. It’s thrilling to see our church people remain faithful. However, sometimes our attendance isn’t that great; those we thought had strong potential get caught up in the things of this world; and the church got robbed for the third time. In it all and through it all, God is faithful!
Planning for the Future
We have been thinking, praying, discussing, and seeking counsel concerning the next step for this church plant in Pilar Centro. This Sunday had a church-wide picnic with a special meeting afterward to discuss church membership and when to constitute the church. Everyone there responded and indicated they would like to take their level of commitment to the next level. Please pray for follow-through as we organize service groups and study groups. We are working toward constituting the church on March 21, 2010 and the first baptism will be two weeks later on Easter Sunday.
A Special Visit
We enjoyed a two-week visit with James’ parents and sister. They helped with the house construction (laying block) as well as projects at the church building (welding security bars and raising a wall). It was wonderful to show them our home and church in Pilar for the first time. Their time with us was a blessing, though it’s always hard to say goodbye to family!
Construction Progress
Praise the Lord that the house construction is coming along! Almost all the exterior walls are up, and the foundation will be poured soon. God has blessed us with good workers and great prices on materials. Please pray this project will continue to go smoothly and quickly and that we will be a strong testimony in all the details.
Prayer Requests
· Protection from theft
· Salvation of P.’s wife
· Currently lack $500 per month in support
· Permanent pastor for the Pilar Centro church
· Permanent residency attained!
· Increased Sunday service attendance
· Visit with James’ family
· Discipleship classes
Looking Ahead
10/11 – Evangelistic outreach
10/18 – Mother’s Day in Argentina
10/25 – New member’s class (six weeks)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Sunday update

Wow! What a great worship service at IBI Pilar Centro today! You could almost call it “international day” since there were families from six different countries – Argentina, United States, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, and Bolivia.
There were FIVE new visitors today. Of course, we are happy to see all visitors, but one was a special answer to prayer because we’ve been praying for Carlos to come to church. One month ago, his wife and daughter came to church for the first time and got saved. Two weeks later, another daughter got saved. His wife, Edit, is being discipled and is growing in the Lord by leaps and bounds in this short time. We were overjoyed to see Carlos, Edit, and their three daughters show up at church this morning! After the service one of the men pulled Carlos aside to counsel him and he put his trust in Christ! Afterward he said, “I’ve always believed in God, but after I saw the change in my wife I knew I needed the kind of faith she has.” To God be the glory!
We not only rejoice in another soul saved, but also in that all four of these converts were counseled by our church people. They have been through intense evangelism training and are prepared to do exactly what every believer should be doing –- leading the lost to Christ! Praise the Lord for their faithfulness!
One important prayer request – we have an appointment this week to visit another recent convert and his wife. Please pray for his wife’s salvation. Thank you.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
September Prayer Letter
Ministry of Music
Pilar Centro
The Lord has increased our numbers on Sunday mornings to an average of 33 instead of 23. Many visitors have come, and two new families are attending regularly.
Andrea Love, our summer intern, will be greatly missed. She helped in so many areas, including playing the piano. Our kids will be taking turns playing special music, but they have a while to go before they can accompany congregational music.
Nine people are now involved in small-group or one-on-one discipleship classes. Please pray for two new converts and that their spouses will come to know Christ as well.A Place to Call Home
Prayer Requests
- Follow up on visitors
- Salvation of ESL students
- Current support – 95%
- Permanent pastor for the Pilar Centro church
- Ministry of MBBC mission team
- Increased Sunday service attendance
- Ministry of Andrea Love during the past eight weeks
- Discipleship classes
Looking Ahead
- 9/3 – Lauren’s 9th birthday
- 9/12-9/27 – James’ parents here to visit their grandchildren (and help with the house construction while they’re at it!)
- 9/13 – FOUR-year anniversary in Argentina
- 9/13 – Evangelistic outreach
- 10/4 – New members’ class (six weeks)
- 10/6-10/8 – Annual Fundamentalism Conference
- 10/12 – Break down the next wall to give more auditorium seating