Saturday, February 28, 2009

First Home Bible Study

Tonight we held our first home Bible study. There were three other families who came - the Quaglia's, Martinez-Ferro's, and Palma's. We had a great study together about the purpose of a local church (the introduction to our doctrines study).

The kids entertained themselves jumping on the trampoline, coloring, and eating snacks. We are thankful that the Lord gave us a house where we could host these studies (rain or shine).

We all invited various unsaved families, but none of them could make it for one reason or another. Please pray for our next study (March 21), that we would have at least one unsaved couple. If so, we will study "The Ultimate Questions" of life. (James is prepared with two lessons - one evangelistic and one for believers.)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Almost 7 months ago, we held our first Wednesday night Bible study in Pilar with an average of 12-15. Tonight there were 31 believers!! (None were visiting from other churches.) God is good!

There is a great need to begin Sunday services with this group. Tonight we took a vote and the majority stated Sunday mornings would work better than Sunday night. Since we have not been able to move forward on a larger location, we will make the best with what we have. We will keep looking, and trust God to continue leading there.

Since we have no classroom space, the big kids usually sit in the study, some sit at this table in the back and "quietly" color, and the littlest ones just run around while their parents attempt to keep them quiet. One family lives only two blocks away, so we have asked them to pray about allowing us to use their garage for children's church during the Sunday service. Please pray that will work out, so that it will benefit all involved.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Building Search Update

Back to Square One!

Yesterday evening three men from the church went to see the building. In God's providence the owner was there. When they explained to the owner they changes they wanted to make, taking down walls to open the space, he said that won't work because in the future he wants to make 3 or 4 little stores out of the building.

So, we will keep praying, looking, and praying! We know God has His perfect place, perfect location, and perfect timing!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Building Search

After waiting and waiting December and January, the realtor finally told us that the owners were not interested in our offer to rent the church building we were looking at. We had to take God at His Word, as this was a great disappointment not only to us, but to our church people. We continued to look, but every possibility turned out to be too small or too expensive.

This morning, one of the ladies called about a place that recently came up for rent. The realtor told her that it was no longer available. However, later this afternoon, he called her back and told her that the deal fell through because the renter's co-signer did not work out. So, we went right away to look at it.

It is on a well-traveled street, exactly in the central area where we want to be. It is another house that is being rented out for commercial use. It is 20 meters across in the front, which would give us even greater visibility. We can easily take down two walls to make space for 50 chairs, and then another two walls for another 25. There is a small office we can use for a nursery. There is a big classroom in the back with its own boys and girls restrooms that we will use for our main classroom. It also has a kitchen and garage. They are asking the same as the first building we were looking at.

The realtor is going to run all this by the owner and will call us, so please pray that this deal goes through!! We are really wanting to begin Sunday services in March.

James' Grandpa's Funeral - Answered Prayer!

God gave James and his family beautiful weather for the graveside service to bury his grandfather on Monday. Our all-powerful God, who controls all things, held off the snow! There were between 80 and 100 people at the service, many of whom were unsaved family and business contacts from the Sedona area.

God also gave James clarity as he shared of the eternal hope in Jesus Christ. He thoroughly presented the Gospel and one lady indicated that she trusted Christ that day!

Thank you for praying. To God be the glory!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Update on James' Grandfather

Please forgive me for not posting an update earlier.

Early Wednesday morning (2/11), James' grandfather went home to be with the Lord. He slipped into eternity quietly, surrounded by family who loved him dearly. They asked James to preach the service, so he flew out of Buenos Aires that same night. The Lord gave him a safe trip there, and provided for him along the way.

Sunday afternoon (2/15) is the viewing at a funeral home. Then, Monday is the graveside service in Sedona, Arizona. There will be many unsaved family and friends there, so please pray that James is able to clearly present the Gospel to them, as well as comfort the saved. It is forecasted to snow that afternoon. Please pray that will not be a hindrance.

Amy and the children are holding down the fort in Argentina. Please pray for their safety there.

Monday, February 2, 2009

February Prayer Letter

Growing from the Inside Out
Two weeks ago we began evangelism training during our Wednesday night Bible studies in Pilar. We are so thrilled that Veronica put that knowledge into practice. She invited her sister over to her house for a Bible study, and her sister trusted in Christ as her Savior! As soon as we finish this six-week course, we will begin to go out in teams to witness to family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers of our church people.

It is so amazing to see these believers go from the point of “Spiritual ICU” just six months ago, to now serving with joy, restoring their marriages, properly training their children, and being instruments in the Redeemer’s hands. May GOD receive the glory!

Thank you Cornerstone Baptist Church in North Carolina for your generous donation to the ministry in Pilar! In God’s perfect timing, they needed to “clean house” just when another missionary was packing his container to move to Buenos Aires. James’ parents took on the task of loading up a moving truck and transporting a piano, an organ, dishes, toys, room dividers, Christmas decorations, and other furniture to the container. It’s been said, “Every material item needed for the mission field is either in your wallet or in your attic!”
Well, we have plenty of supplies; now we just need a building! Again this week, God closed the door on the church building we wanted to rent. The search continues, but everything else we have found is either too small or way beyond our budget. We are now looking into the possibility of using an events center just for Sundays. Please pray for wisdom. It is encouraging to hear the church people not lose their enthusiasm as they trust in God’s wisdom and timing.
Two other ways God has provided recently that we did not mention last month:
1.) Through Christmas gifts sent by you, our faithful prayer and financial supporters. We appreciate your generosity!
2.) The Clearwater team left us ALL the VBS supplies they brought down, including the entire Betty Lukins flannelgraph set.

God’s Protection
Thank you for praying for Lauren’s recent medical testing. The doctor could not say enough about how well she followed instructions and remained calm. Praise the Lord that it appears she does not have urinary reflux again! We still have to figure out what is causing her febrile urinary tract infections, so we will go back to the urologist to see how we should proceed.

All in one week, three fellow missionaries around Buenos Aires lost immediate family members—one lost her mother due to a medical error, one lost their four- year-old daughter from an appendicitis complication, and one lost their unborn baby. At the same time, we found out Amy’s grandmother has lung cancer and James’ grandfather has a rapidly-growing brain tumor. This causes us to stop and give praise to our sovereign Heavenly Father for the way He continues to protect our family. The more we learn of the loving nature and surpassing wisdom of the One Who has all things in His control, the more easily we can rest in His perfect decisions.

Website - Read more about the Greenwood family and their ministry
Spanish Website - Iglesia Bautista Independiente de Pilar
Sending Church - Hillsdale Baptist Church
Mission Board - Baptist World Mission

“God’s work is not man working for God; it is God’s own work,
though often wrought through man’s hands.”
- Hudson Taylor