Saturday, October 25, 2008

Laying Up Treasures In Heaven

Bailing Themselves Out

In the midst of a global recession and a plethora of ideas on how to resolve it, economists do agree on one thing: “At least we don’t live in Argentina!” The Argentine government recently announced plans for the state to take over Argentina's private retirement accounts in a desperate attempt to find a source of capital to repay its astronomical international debts. This “government's economic policies, including taxing farmers and limiting exports at a time when commodity trading would have netted them billions in foreign currency, kneecapped the same domestic private industries that could have provided real, long-term wealth generation for this magnificent country.” Argentina just renegotiated its debt payments and economists speculate that there will “probably be a ‘renegotiation’ of the terms between the new pension manager (the Argentine government) and the debtor (uh, the Argentine government). It's an understatement to say that's a conflict of interest, and the folks who will get the short end of the stick are the Argentine people.”

Quotes taken from The Motley Fool. To read the full article, click here.

Treasures In Heaven

But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. (Matt. 6:20)
Honestly, we normally do not get engaged in the politics of Argentina. We always make it clear that we are here in this country to help bring about change – one soul at a time – by sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. The outright thievery of this government plan helps us to point out that the Christian’s treasure is not here on this earth. No one, no government, no, not even Wall Street, can steal the eternal treasures of the Christian’s good works done for the glory of God.
This Saturday, November 1st, we will hold a special meeting to present our vision for Independent Baptist Church in Pilar. We will present the need and the opportunity for those in our Wednesday Bible study group to get involved in the church-planting process. We are ready to take the next step and begin reaching out to the lost in the community. We would like to see our fellow believers take a part in that and lay up their own eternal treasures in Heaven. Please pray for God to work in each heart to show them how they should be personally involved.

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