Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Baby Shower

Thank you for all of those who prayed for the baby shower Amy hosted for our Christian neighbor and friend, Andrea. The idea of a baby shower is a new concept here in Argentina. Actually, it's kind-of a modern, fashionable idea - they even use the English name. This month in a popular magazine the feature article was about celebraties having baby showers. However, our purposes were totally different. It was two-fold: 1.) We wanted to show support of Andrea and her husband Alejandro. We have been discipling each of them for almost a year now. They are good friends and instrumental in the church plant in the city center as well as the evangelistic efforts here in our neighborhood. 2.) We wanted to use the opportunity to invite Andrea's unsaved family members and co-workers to our home where we could share the Gospel.

The Lord did bless our efforts and time together. The ladies really enjoyed themselves, Andrea was assured of our love and support, and four unsaved ladies heard the Gospel presented. (Some maybe for the first time.) Please pray for the Holy Spirit to remind them of what they heard and convict their hearts.

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